Vincent Kartheiser's Forehead

I know this site only reports celebrity "news", but I would very much appreciate it if the Newswire authors stopped soaking every vaguely political or societal story with their own opinions. Why not put a "shit person" before each mention of the name Charlotte Rampling whilst you're at it? It wouldn't even have

Because that statement doesn't apply to all black people, some of whom are, in fact, racist towards white people. Also, I don't see how your comment applies to Rampling's statements.

Probably with anything but his self-titled debut because you'll need some serious convincing to continue listening to Bowie after that.

There's a lot of things you can say about this album, but I would argue that "secret pop record" and "incessantly catchy melodies" are not one of them. In fact, the lack of rememberable choruses or riffs (well, along with the strange lyrics on 'Tis a Pity and Girl Loves Me) is the only thing that keeps it from being

Interesting theory, since characters like Malfoy and Snape get much better as the series progresses and you learn more about them. I still think that the one-sidedness of the characters drags the first couple of books down, though.

Well, I went through them again recently and quit in the middle of the second book because I couldn't stand the black-and-white characterisation and the insane amount of dei ex machina. I still love the fantasy world Rowling has created and wouldn't want to miss the wonderful hours that I spent with them in my

Is it obligatory for a year-end list to include at least three albums that no one has heard of until that point?

Darude - Sandstorm

I did mean Garden of Delete, and I agree that it's got melodies. I definitely liked it a lot more than Kannon for that reason, but it does have similarly obscure elements and unconventional experimentation, which stopped me from truly enjoying it.

Hmm. I gave this an F, not to show how I much disagree with this review, but because I truly think that it deserves one. This isn't music, this is sound. Maybe there's a lot of work that went into the production of this album, but with a complete lack of melodies, things commonly seen as instruments, or lyrics, what

D, if you ask me. I enjoyed this for the first two episodes, but I'm gonna quit it if next week doesn't change something.

That kerb scene in American History X.



I've always thought that the SS flag could have been a fantastic band logo in an alternative universe.

Do you people really enjoy binge-watching? There are maybe a handful of programmes of which I could watch three episodes in a row, but that's it. And with two as quotidian as Jessica Jones and The Man in the High Castle, I'd actually much prefer having a week between the individual episodes.

Doesn't anyone here enjoy What Do You Mean?, Sorry, or Where Are Ü Now? Sure, the remainder of the album is more or less awful, but those three are some of my favourite pop songs of the year.

Nope. I still find it absolutely crazy and horrendous.

Damn. Finding out about this just now has been one of the insanest moments of my life.

I've listened to that album three times now and I'd call it the sonic equivalent to reading Braille (I can't read Braille).