Vincent Kartheiser's Forehead

So the most common community grade for One Direction is an A, but an F for Justin Bieber?

Should Have Known Better. It's from his latest album, Carrie and Lowell, which you should absolutely listen to because it's breathtakingly beautiful.

Good point, I'd forgotten about Lane and the Jaguar. But be that as it may, this didn't strike me as a fitting approach for showing Ginsberg's illness.

I'm amazed that there's only one comment calling out the Kieran Culkin/Ziggy Sobotka parallels. They're both unwanted among their family, inept at intimidation, prone to overreacting, which eventually leads to the tragic death of several people, and, of course, their looks. If the waffle hut sequence weren't so

I've just now heard about that stabbing remark, which has led me from not understanding how anyone could like him because of his poor comedy to not understanding how anyone could not hate him for being a homophobic arsehole.

A thing like that!

There were some outstanding scenes here - LaTanya Richardson Jackson searching in vain for the receding nail varnish on the doorbell or the phone conversation between Oscar Isaac and Catherine Keener - but I really wasn't won over by the rest. I also find the praise that Isaac gets unwarranted or at least premature.

This may seem slightly weird coming from a part of his body, but how do you pronounce that guy's name? Cart highzer is the most natural for me, but there are so many possibilities - Cart heezer, Car thizer, Car thayzer… And then the stress!1! Good Lord, where do you put the stress?

Sure, but it's also almost impossible to get anything less than a 60 on Metacritic (for music, at least) unless you release something that retroactively shatters your entire career.

What made it even more reminiscent of Twin Peaks was that Ani's rapist looked eerily similar to Frank Silva's BOB.

I thought the Kate character was a huge misstep. Everything about her was so unbearably loud and garish and, while one of Community's biggest strengths is to make normal people funny (if we disregard Rob's mum for a moment), she was nothing but a textbook fabricated sitcom staple.

This programme definitely deserves the praise it gets, but I am perplexed that the ridiculous amount of deus ex machinas in this episode hardly bothers anyone. To recount there's:

- "Fuck, that's good cake!" - Surprised to see that Chris didn't narrate his day to a certain Diane via Microcassette recorder after that scene.
- Minus 3 grades for puking.
- Minus 3 grades for heralding the son of Elton John raised by Kanye West and not showing him.
- The final scene makes up for pretty much all of

For me, it's the diametrical opposite. I went with B+ for the premiere, C+ for the follow-up, and D+ for this episode (I would have gone with a C+ again, but a cop-out as cheap as Velcoro surviving instantly merits a whole grade lower in my book.)

Man, the way that the concept of recuperation and a new start is executed in this episode is phenomenal. Everyone of the miraculously surviving quintet of Hannibal's victims - Chilton, Will, Alana, Jack, and Mason - is brought into focus, their injuries replayed with added gore/beauty and their coming to accompanied

Re the killer of Caspare I'd suggest paying a visit to Amanda Plummer's apiarist/lobotomist on Hannibal

I think we should stop abbreviating the word Sandsnake…

Whoa. Your denial turned out to be pretty accurate in the long run…

I don't think that I've ever been as glad with the A.V. Club as I was upon seeing it agree with me on this episode. I was somehow expecting to get labelled Communist or Anti-American for saying this (if anyone were to read this 6 years after the episode airing), but this episode was just bad. Sure, April's Puerto

- I liked the unspoken sections of Sansa and Littlefinger's conversation: