
I hate to be that person but...

Unfortunately, their voting in the main election won’t really matter in NYC. Clinton won by almost 2 million votes with winner-takes-all electoral votes. Also NY is a blue state, except upstate NY but the main city will always have more total votes.

They’d be helpful if they moved to

What about Berserk?

Sigh...I watched that when I was like 10 and got really depressed that anime could even be like that.

Technically there is no official Niantic Pokemon GO API, so it is against the rules. From what I’ve read, the API was made by dedicated players by sniffing network requests to the game.

This is the same reasoning that I’ve followed. At first when I started using the tool, I thought that maybe it’d make things too easy and take the fun out of things.

I was completely wrong. Especially after days of not finding anything rare and sometimes seeing new Pokemon in my radar, this made the game enjoyable.


I played Beta up until lv 40ish (45 is cap) as a Kung Fu Master and the best way I can describe it is like trying to master Street Fighter combos. Yes, there are certain combos you can do to achieve your maximum DPS in fights but if you just cycle through it without reacting properly to enemies, you’ll get your ass

And not to mention that anime is way exaggerated to the point that a real child/adult never looks like that.

They’re probably going to use a different suffix (like or whatever). Cloud9 does it because so many other tech companies have that domain name already.

Most managers of gaming teams actually force their players to keep up some sort of workout routine because good physical health promotes good mental health (aka sharp mind). Some of these players actually go to the gym a lot (Balls from C9 in particular). But hey, why shouldn’t we judge people by their looks? That’s