My sitting distance is 14 feet or 168 inches and by the divide by 2 formula I should get a 84 inch television? That is quite absurd. I have a 46 inch I am using from 18 feet and yes it is small but with this formula I would need to go to 108 inches. absolutely stupid. that is so large you almost need to turn your head…
actually it seems that buying the biggest tv they cannot afford is more likely the problem
Haha These were both red for me but I know exactly what you mean
It amazes me too. I don’t want to whine and make it sound as if we are handicapped but the people who design things have no consideration for our condition. We have a conference phone in our conference room, there is an LED that switches (I am told) from Green (unmuted) to Red (muted) with the push of a button. I have…