
The only Never Not Funny Podcasts I listen to are MbMbaM, TAZ, and TFH. So, needless to say this mix-em-up was pretty great for me.

Or the entire Mrs. Garrison Saga?

I won't read the review. But I'm killing myself for forgetting to set this on DVR, does anyone know if they will re-run this ep soon?

Re-Watched last night, loved this exchange between Rick and the President of the Microverse (paraphrased):

The best was when he was in the Miniverse with Zeep, who deploys his ramp to Rick scoffing and saying "Too Fast."

I didn't get to the second part, but I did notice the first part. Like "Why the antennae, you already look Alien"

Is there one episode I could give a test-listen to see if it's for me or not?


Even moreso than being a Freduian Slip, it shows that he/she didn't actually watch the episode. Add to that the weird political stuff and you get into "Area Man Staunch Defender of What He Imagines the Constitution to be."

I'm not the only one who thought that the Tinyverse version of Rick was voiced by Mike Birbiglia, right?

I forgot the name, but definitely knew what they were referencing there…

This was my favorite moment of the episode.

Is this show funny? I've never seen it. That clip was funny - I'm a big fan of all 4 people in that hot tub.

"sleeping with your teacher" was immoral in its approach (Facebook stalking, using information gleaned to manipulate your target, etc) but turned out unexpectedly well when Mrs. Greenfield moved to LA to be his girlfriend…

It's so weird, I didn't laugh very much this episode but it's one of my favorites of the whole series, probably behind pancakes-divorce-pancakes. This show is so good I can't even believe it, it presents as a farce but gets to some depths of human emotion so much better than most/all dramas on TV right now.

Yeah me too, but that's arguably too predictable, which is why I think they didn't go there.

I guess I don't see how this is a plot hole?

Which they reference in the back and forth texts in this episode as well…

Suzanne when she's Skyping with Joe Dale, Jr. said that his name was an anagram for "Fart…" something, I didn't catch the last part.

I Second this. I've always been pretty bad at shooters, but I got the XBox One Stereo Headset last year and it definitely improved things. Being Able to hear what's behind you or to the side of you is invaluable.