
In 2015 we call it "Asperger's"

I recall it being a relatively short part of the book though. It's like chapter 1 and that's it.

But he hasn't. No president has. The vast, vast majority of people in this country have absolutely no idea what a "podcast" is. This is the biggest thing to ever happen to a podcast, and the medium in general, and it's not even remotely close.

For a Podcast? Yes.

Your value as a customer to me though, even "forever" is something that continually goes down as I actively find ways for you to pay me less money. I would need to keep finding new customers to replace the lost revenue from the customers from whom I am asking to get less money.

That's not really what you're suggesting though. You're suggesting that a business that offers a subscription service actively try to find ways to get less money from their customers.

A business that actively tried to find ways to get less money from people wouldn't be a business very long.

Perhaps we have different definitions of "actively worse." I agree that removing support for a peripheral would free up processing power, that only makes basic, logical sense. Maybe this is a failing on my part, but the loss of up to 10% of free processing power hasn't resulted in a gaming experience that is actively

So, you don't actually own an XB1? I do, and the Kinect is fine. I use it for the voice media features, I use it to control my TV, it's very convenient. I can't think of a single game experience that I use the thing for, but I also can't think of any that have been made "actively worse." I actually do use the motion

How are waggle controls and gyro gamepads enhancements to the experience while the Kinect is "stupid?" It feels like you're talking out of both sides of your mouth here. When the company you like foists something on gamers it's innovative, but when the company that you don't like does it, it's intrusive?

I'm jazzed for this, I had already replaced my 360 with an XBone when SoT came out. I heard great things about that.

I really enjoyed this episode. There is 0% chance that everything that we (via the children) were told in "The Truth" is the absolute truth. That was clearly an indoctrination, based in part on the truth, then enhanced to convince someone to help the indoctrinator achieve their goals. The rest of this season will be

The Adventure Zone is great. Just start at the beginning, there's only 16 episodes. They play 5E, and actually start with the Beginner Set but veer off into an original plot line about 4 episodes. It's "actual play" but they don't roll a whole lot and do more theatre of the mind. The comedy between the three brothers

Here's my only thing, would Baby Genuises be considered a "Summer Blockbuster?"


I loved it when they didn't know that Tajikistan was a real place on WHM.

Magic Tavern has gotten a lot of press on this site…and it deserves every pixel of it, so great.

Just reading "Juniper Breeze" conjures memories of multiple HS Girlfriends…

OTTAWANA Write this book

You have Selected POWER DRIVE, may I suggest feather touch?
The ball is in THE PARKING LOT, would you like to play again?
You have selected NO.