
Wow, this show had Van Wilder and Cap'n on it? That's fun.

The Copy that I got in 1989 came with a 1988 World Almanac and Book of Facts. Looking up the answers was expected, Gumshoe. Until you, naturally, memorized all of the flag colors and capitals.

Sure, or Lewis Black. I think both are funny when they do it. Black is more consistent than Stanhope, IMHO.

I'd argue that there's a lot in the delivery when it comes to most comics, Doug Stanhope especially.

Where did I ever suggest that I have all of her material memorized? I'm just going by what was presented in the review.

"Party Down" is my "Firefly."

I've always seen it on [as], but never actually watched it…it *looks* terrible. But it's good, eh? I might have to give it a shot.

"Aren't married people with children the worst? Let's talk about it for a while" is going to be a tough sell to Married people with children.

Hateful, cynical, and bitter can be good if it's funny. Doug Stanhope is a master of the craft. He makes Jen Kirkman look like Ned Flanders, but he's funny about it.

The cast is good and the setting and premise are awesome. There are some "trying too hard" moments as far as I'm concerned, but the IT nerd in me loved all of the relatively historical PC stuff, it was great - they don't really dumb any of it down. There's a scene in the first episode where they are just pouring over

Here's the thing, she's created a self-reinforcing bias. I'm sure some people have given her crap for not having kids and not being married and blah, blah, blah. But there's an equal or greater number of people who haven't. Who just don't care, who are fine with her living her life with her choices. But once she makes

I'm of two minds on Jen Kirkman.

Couldn't you just have a discussion with your mother that her repeated inappropriate behavior is not welcome and makes you and your girlfriend feel uncomfortable, like an adult who has a problem with another adult?

I really enjoyed this TV show, and stuck it out through the whole run. I thought the ending was kind of stupid, but enjoyed the ride.

I almost exclusive play games on the Xbox one after my wife and children have gone to sleep. I use the stereo headset for my game audio. It's great.

Enh, I'll probably watch it.

Judging from just the clip I saw on here it didn't really seem like that much of a Honey Boo Boo Spoof specifically, and more of a spoof of that disgusting pageant culture in general.

I saw this guy on Outrageous Acts of Science. He had a smaller version of that same engine attached to a bicycle.

If that happens, couldn't you just cut the bag open?

So the vast majority of my podcasts that i listen to regularly fall into one of two categories: Bad Movie Podcasts and Dungeons and Dragons Podcasts.