The Shadow

Sorry to burst your bubble, nerd. But if what you’re doing takes place indoors, sitting down, in front of a tv, it’s not a sport.

Again, your original point of “no one cares about Dota” is fanboy delusion. Dota is the 3rd most played game in the world. That’s not a small feat. You’ve had no actual arguments just “LUL shitty moba”.

Lol you’re so salty it’s incredible

Hmm. Didn’t realize we were arguing at a 5th grade level...

I believe you dropped your /s

“Biggest esports event year after year”

Just like those glorious replays that were promised back in S1 or how about that sandbox / practice mode? Oh right, other games have had that for YEARS and Riot gets all you blind fanbois to come out of the woodwork and fellate them for taking 13 years to finally roll out because their viewship / playerbase is dying.

It most certainly is.
It is the art of the Pokemon TCG Jungle Set Booster Box.

Ok, I’ll say hi to your boyfriend later

Whatever you say Vincent. See you soon.

Or do you prefer Craig these days?

I can’t imagine it’s THAT lonely in Ohio, Vincent.

LOL you’re so generic, your butthurt shines right on through. Well done.

yet here you and several others are. Frothing at the mouth about how not butthurt you are.

aww you butthurt because the truth burns? Its ok, they make ointment for that.