
Bill Finger gets screwed over again. (Thanks, Ty the Guy!)

What is leading you to believe that the vast majority of those who did vote fit into this non clueless vision of yours? Just because they spent the couple minutes to vote doesn't mean they were any more educated on the subjects than the rest. And let's face it, the resources people traditionally view before making a

You're a moron with buzz words.

"Dictators and socialists assholes make voting mandatory" — This shows the breadth of your understanding of the world. You pigeonhole people into neat little boxes that fit your world view and can't be bothered with a nuanced argument.

I don't agree with mandatory voting because it

Let's link up the voting rights with your tax returns: Decrease everyone's tax return by $100 per year. Only if they vote, they get the $100 back. Call it a "voting deduction" or a "voting rebate" if you want to wordplay it.

It's like the sick love-child of Zardoz and Fifth Element.

However, the University of Florida recommends people help control the spread of the species by making their yards less iguana-friendly and treating them like the wild animals they are.