
Try a vpntub then.

This seems overly complex, how about crowd-sourcing the light timers a la Waze?

This dude has some wealthy parents.

The one with glasses in the top right corner of the pic is the most horrifying by far.

The UK also recently announced that the weekly chocolate ration was being increased from 4 grams to 2 grams.

menu button > Tools > Extensions should be Settings instead of Tools ( or More Tools would work too )

If you suffer from imposter syndrome console yourself by knowing that only the truly competent have this affliction.

For many people their passion is simply not a good enough money maker so they wind up doing something they hate in order to pay the bills.

Hitler also used the word “The” ( albeit in German ). When will blog writers stop using this nazi word?

I think people were considerably more civilized in 1964 and the Olympics wasn’t the corporate fuck-fest that it is now.

I have the same mac mini and it does freeze occasionally, not better or worse than my Windows PC. It is probably xcode’s fault more than the operating system I suspect though.

To paraphrase my mother, if all the other journalists jumped off a bridge would Kotaku do it too?

Fuxking cool.

99.9% white, liberal and SJW.

Tiger would have smashed in your windshield and eaten you alive. I don’t think you realize how big and powerful that thing is.

How long till we get a voice assistant that can respond to any sensible command - not just a list of built in ones? Ideally, if it doesn’t know what the hell you just said it could let you do it manually and learn from what you just did - so the next time it handle that command.

So let’s assume for argument’s sake that I don’t know how cars work ( mainly because I don’t ), what is a good starting point to learn the basics? Is there a good YouTube channel or website, recommended books etc?

Actually now that I think about it - how many people are wandering around semi-classified areas or important parts of tech companies inadvertently shooting video? I’ll assume in actual classified areas this wouldn’t be allowed but who knows what bored employees try to do.

So he looks like standard anime male drawing #1. I am shocked, shocked I say.

Much easier to make token gestures like this than to deal with the real problem.