
Gasp, a man that likes to look at boobs, well I never..

That’s what teleprompters were invented for - to make the stupid appear intelligent.

xWidget does the same thing with literally 100's of different styles of clocks, weather widgets, music players, slide shows, volume controls etc. Much easier to use than Rainmeter as well.

And also, how do you know what piss from an Alt drinker with a damaged kidney tastes like?

Germany and that pic made me think of a new horrible way to have a terrorist attack. I’m sure you know where I’m going with this...

Or play with tits yourself. Both are better options.

Have Chef remove meat from tail and present on table for me. I don’t need to be dissecting a giant bug before I can eat.

But many, many people are definitely NOT qualified for it.

If you do all your work in the terminal window I agree. The gui front end is less than great though.

You have one as President right now too.

So why doesn’t Apple allow something like this? Even if they wrote it themselves using private API’s that nobody else is allowed to use. Do they have a logical reason for not permitting customization?

But if the car is too stupid to maintain the correct speed, what will it do with more complex parameters?

You can power your own pc and save the company a bundle. Soon you will be hamster of the month !

You can power your own pc and save the company a bundle. Soon you will be hamster of the month !

My wallpaper

Just looking at the picture - in my day “kids” didn’t have beards and drink alcohol.

What is your hate on for parents exactly? My entire family was as dysfunctional as they come but I managed to keep my shit together anyway. When I was in high school a very long time ago, not a single girl was pregnant ( and no, they didn’t mysteriously disappear for 9 months either ). You know why? Because everyone

I’m sure I’ll be jumped on for this but how about not having sex until you are living on your own and can make your own decisions. These pregnancies are not immaculate conceptions.

Except that adolescents are morons.

Diversity for the sake of diversity is retarded. Hire the best people, if that’s 100% white men, or 100% Australian female aboriginals who gives a fuck.

You sir, belong in management !