
Does your mom also like to minimize the abuse you've experienced too? Mine will be all, "Oh, we were great parents," then when confronted with specific events, she responds with "We were doing the best we could! Why do you have to keep holding on to this?! It's not healthy, you need to forgive and forget." She also

I hear ya. No matter how many times my mom says, "Just forgive and forget." I am avoiding that asshole like the fucking plague. Fuck Mother's Day too. My mom is finally talking about divorce after everyone who would've benefitted from them separating has grown up and left. She's now saying "Oh, I'm so worried your

My comment wasn't meant as a lecture directly to you. I put it up cause you mentioned SFA and I wanted to remind everyone of the internal shit that happens when game companies work together.

With the way Nintendo restructured R&D, a lot of them members went to Nintendo SPD. I think Zero Mission/Fusion team went to the group that worked on Other M. Same group is doing Game & Wario now.

Star Fox Adventures wasn't originally a Star Fox game in the first place. It started as an original IP called Dinosaur Planet. Then Nintendo saw the development and they wanted to shoehorn in Star Fox. It was also supposed to be for the N64, then got moved to the Gamecube.

Available DAY ONE on PS4 and Steam!

Ditto, I was hoping it would be for the PS3. It doesn't look like it's a game the PS3 couldn't handle. Sigh, I guess I'll be waiting a year until I get any new games. Hey at least it'll be on the PC too. Hooray for Steam.

I'm pretty bummed about this cause it's been 7 years since the last major console release of Kingdom Hearts. I was hoping to get it for my PS3, but no I'll have to wait a year, then save up for a PS4. Good thing it's $400 at launch. By the time 2014 winter hits it'll be around $350.

You're my new comment bestie! Thank you for the hookup.

Oh, I beat Minish Cap and getting all the kinstones is easy too. Don't worry about them too much towards the end you'll have a surplus. Great game really pretty too. If you're having trouble or going to play it a 2nd time, here's a link to site that has a very thorough walkthrough. Spoilers ahoy!

Bye! Are you playing Animal Crossing instead of Zelda? Cause if so then that'll be super bizarro. Lazy Sundays are the best.

I'm scheduled for my sexxing up session later today.

But they have labels!! LABELS!!!! AGHHHHH!!!

Where's Wil Friedle? He was my favorite and first crush. He was also Batman which adds an extra bit of giddy schoolgirl in me.

Now playing

The words: Angry, Nintendo, and Metroid; triggered my memories of Other M. Now I'm pissed.

Me too, then I remember it was the humble bundle and I gave all of my $20 to charity. So conscious cleared? eh.

Make Sony port Guacamelee to the 3DS, then we'll talk.

I haven't played his pirate pc version of the game, so I don't know how good of a port it is. I've seen emulators for n64 games where the framerates were crap and they didn't have sound. So let's not break out the champagne yet.

I met my partner on a defunct dating site after he was rejected from eHarmony. We've been together for 6 years. No craziness here either. His sister got in to that site and all she gets is sex requests. eHarmony tends to attract a lot of people who aren't realistic/honest with themselves. I mean, 5 kids, really?

I'm glad it's also coming out for the 360. Harmonix seems to have the kinect controls down cause those Dance Central games were fun.