
is there not some way to handle this, express your grievance, ensure justice, without going to very extreme measures?

do you not care if this happens again?

Nikola Jokic is the player that Bob Ryan thinks Bill Walton was. I’m always amazed by players who know exactly when to shoot as related to the shot clock, Jokic’s ability to execute perfect passes is pretty amazing though.

Don’t bother responding to that Romostrodamus guy, he’s just a shitposter.

No one gets rehabilitated - they get scared of going back to prison so they are more cautious in the future.

The modern prison industry isn't meant to rehabilitate, it's there to warehouse people. 

The reporting about the prison has been down-right bizarre (though not really).  It had all kinds of seedy undertones to it, bloodlust, anti-Semitism, the whole nine, really.

How on Earth is this ungreyed?

Do you want me to nuke that fayke-Dunaway chick, Sophie?

I’m surprised by Trump’s interpretation on this. The darker horse won, but then after an appeal on technical grounds, the judicial system declared the lighter colored horse - far less qualified according to oddsmakers - the winner. You’d think Trump would be on board.

Vampire Weekend’s discography is the official soundtrack of gentrification  

They squint and aim for mediocre whiteness, which is what I assume is what living in The Giver feels like.

I...I...don’t understand this.

“He understands this perfectly”

Context. The “white flight” comment references the Districts appeal of the original order for them to integrate. They claimed a fear of white flight was a reason they shouldn’t integrate. The “white flight” argument does not appear to have a direct link to the apparent discrimination here.

Isn’t this always the way, though? We want you to be successful and stop taking “handouts” but not too successful (see Tulsa.) We want you to be “articulate” but don’t articulate things too clearly for our liking (see Dr. King, Medgar Evers, etc.)

Apparently, the district feared white fight flight if Olecia James’ name was announced as having done better academically than everybody else in her graduating class, save one person.

To be fair it is still a dangerous substance that can cause real health problems to people so it’s understandable that authorities would want to investigate and punish people for its use.

There’s gonna be hell toupee.

Guy looks like he’s wearing a Whig, at that