
Honestly, can we talk about how everyone else seemingly jumped overnight to schoolboy knots?

Proofreading is bitch work.

I’ll bet you dislocated a finger doing all them keyboard gymnastics.

Model glue, amirite? Cheers!

>This is why I’m not for places banning it. I want to know who these assholes are.

The same way they treat slavery, the Civil War, Jim Crow and the “evils” of Reconstruction. Which is to say “this bad, but both sides.

Yeah, this GIF was animated nope.


Giant isopods freak me out almost as much as horseshoe crabs.  It’s like they’re just waiting to lay an embryo in my chest cavity.

>Things are pretty fucked (on a whole bunch of levels) if your economy is kept afloat by denying a population their freedom.

Steelers are paying Shazier a salary, keeping him on their health insurance, and helping his rehabilitation. Steelers are also leaving open to the door to him playing again, which may not be possible nor the best idea, but is Shazier’s goal nonetheless. And the Steelers are milking it? To get out of the grays on

New York State is trying to do that. I keep hearing on the news about town near potentially-closing prisons shitting bricks about what that would do to the economy.

Who has power of attorney? Because I -know- he doesn’t. He can say whatever, it don’t mean jack to whoever actually has the purse strings.

Also, stop asking that old, rancid man questions. Let his dusty ass rot.

Coming at your shit take bro!


Nice to see Bill Cosby has become such a strong advocate for informed consent. 

Summitt Mounts, Peaks

I hate to repeat myself but I’m going to go ahead and copy/paste this here:

That’s an oversimplification, but not a surprising one from the source. Anyone who expected Mueller to finish this any other way was either naive, foolish, or had no idea who he really is. He’s a lifer, and a very conservative one at that.

That's such a weird phenomenon to witness. The only letter I've ever associated with baseball is z's.