
I agree that a portion of this may not be organic to Sanders’ supporters, but let’s not be too quick to gloss over the ugly racism and misogyny we’ve seen since 2016 from Bernie Bros.

‘he should probably step away from baseball’

Agreed. The modifier “statutory” is honestly a relic of pre-consent lawmaking. It’s the idea that someone was willing to have sex with you, but because of those pesky laws, it’s technically illegal. High five for getting laid, but you know, it’s just these damned rules...

It is true that Warren’s crowd is, perhaps, a bit wonkier, a bit more buttoned-up—a crowd too respectful of norms to talk during the national anthem, but also not aggressive enough to yell at me when I did.

Truly doing God’s work.

TBH, I sometimes wonder if the stratification and racism in many Asian cultures is why we white Americans tend to consider them white-adjacent.

the industry created to drag women through the mud who dare bring accusations against a man.

Is this an article, or sponcon?

Yes, there are still a fuckload of boomers who love them some TV.

Well, what was she wearing while sleeping? Was she snoring suggestively? I mean, if she’s unconscious and can’t give consent, that’s a pretty tricky situation, right?


1850s, if they can manage it.


Collapsing Star of Rhetorical Farts 201

>It doesn’t need to be explained. It just is.

Holy shit, you just Alpha Dorked the hell out of this.

Yeah. Just home runs and strikeouts. Get rid of the bases, too, just mound, plate and outfield wall.

Something about bikes, right?

I...don’t think that’s the case anymore.

He was on the bridge, just stepped off to pee.