There are all varieties of people in the world that exist. Including women who like sports and drinking, pizza and hanging out. Who prefer video games to romance novels, who are highly analytic or logical and give not shits at all what men think of them.
Tonight — finally! — ESPN is going to have an in-depth discussion on the NFL's domestic violence problem. The…
I read this entire thing in Garrison Keeler's voice. He gets all the accolades, she get's all the mockery, but it's the same damn thing.
WHOA. I know this isn't about prying into YOUR life but um… unpack the hyphens and that parenthetical for me sometime? "My sort-of-daughter (came to the house looking for work when she was twelve and is now 47)". That sounds like an intense, awesome story...
And "vagina flavor profile"!
I work with addicts in various stages of recovery who've had horrible lives and don't have people paying them for reality shows in which they barely participate, they don't have people giving them parts in Mamet plays, they don't have anyone "pulling" for them. I just don't have much patience for this woman any more.…
Yes, can we stop rooting for her? I mean how many sad chances are people going to keep throwing at her before people realize she can't hack it anymore? Just chalk her career up as a loss and we'll find her again in 30 years for the unsuccessful Mean Girls remake where she's Amy Poehler or Tina Fey's character
Dried pears. They look just like vaginas, they're good for you, and there's no work involved.
Exactly. There's a big difference between scheduled sex ed and removing the shame from our bodies, but no seven year-old needs a surprise lesson on how to lick pussy.
The thought of teaching seven and eight year olds how to sexually pleasure women makes my skin crawl.
that's the name of one of my best friend's band, true story.
This sound suspiciously like a straw feminist hoax.
"I will no longer be participating on Fridays due to the lack of disrespect that I was shown today."
Man, I hate it when I go someplace just hoping to be disrespected, and they treat me with respect and dignity... Really grinds my gears.
Nobody puts Baby on the floor.
Yeah, but — and this is my inner cynic talking — are those girls really her friends? Like, hang out with her outside of school, invite her to spring break, sleep over at her house, friends? If they actually are, I can see reading what happened the same way you do.
I'm sorry, the angry women hater site is around the corner. Just take a left on crazy street and follow the marching fedoras.