
hello stories pls

I'm sorry, the angry women hater site is around the corner. Just take a left on crazy street and follow the marching fedoras.

This lady is brilliant. I should have documented all of the insanity while I was a flight attendant and made a blog to retire on.

Agreed. That's just about the most dismissive thing I've ever heard.

They once referred to him as our new "hobby."

This is a good discussion that was ruined by a troll. FFR, use the "x" in the pull-down on the right.

Fuck off, Hank. I did learn how to do it the old way, I was the only one in our class who had to do that. Doing it all by hand takes longer, though, so I ran out of time for the tests, which brought my scores down. I repeat, fuck you.

I don't think this guy should get the vitriol. He was trying, within the confines of a shitty system.

Needs more otter.

I worked in a warehouse space next to a live dough facilty for panera bread restaurant, Kansas City and every five days there was a fine black "dust" covering everything. It was black fungus spores from black fungus in the walls from flour from the live dough facility. I had to quit, everybody that worked where I did

My summer hell is America's new fascination.

Well, they do, but they are usually raw and on rice.

We have a lady who always asks for us to leave the chick peas off of her salad to which we reply we do not not have we ever put chick peas on our salads. Once you bring the salad out she will huff and puff and hold up the peppercini and exclaim she didn't want any chick peas. She's been told many times that it is not

Huh, I never knew that. He still didn't have to be such an asshole about it. Up here, dressing would mean the dressing that was the specialty for that burger.

I went to a breakfast and lunch restaurant, well-established in its area, for the first time. I love chicken fried steak. It was not on the menu, but it was on the special list. So, I ordered it. When it arrived, it was actually a chicken filet, not beef. I complained to the waitress that I ordered chicken fried

If mayo is what makes life worth living, it's a very sad life being lived.

One of my favorites was the time a young lady asked me for areola sauce. How I kept my face composed, I'll never know. I just nodded, relayed the request to the kitchen who needed some comic relief on a busy Friday, and promptly delivered her aioli.

There are few crimes greater than adding ketchup to a steak. UGH.

This reminds me of my department a comparative literature grad student, we are often given the unfortunate acronym CLIT. Which we all enjoy making fun of ("I'm getting a doctorate in CLIT"..."I'll be a CLIT doctor!"..."not everyone is strong enough to study CLIT so intensely"...etc), the joke seems lost on

Don't worry my teacher also said: