I’m pretty sure the whole point of that comic was a setup to make a joke on the song lyrics (“they see me rollin’, they haitin’”), not actually a statement that the roller was OP.
I’m pretty sure the whole point of that comic was a setup to make a joke on the song lyrics (“they see me rollin’, they haitin’”), not actually a statement that the roller was OP.
My friend, you win a Hollywood!
I’m sorry, but the Roller in Splatoon is anything but OP. One round, my team had 2 Splattershots (One being me), one Roller, and one Charger (Sniper), and the other team was literally 4 Rollers. It started off very normal, just trying to paint everything, and then I thought, “I wonder if I meet them at their spawn…
Reminds me of an idea that I wanted to make with The Movies, “Snakes on a Train starring the Sam Jackson 5” Nick Fury, Mace Windu, Shaft, Jules Winnfield and Gator from Jungle Fever against Solid Snake, Big Boss and Liquid Snake on a subway.
Yes and thank you for reminding me of that. Stupid onions.
That was painfully unfunny.
I have a feeling that his main antagonist is the Kingpun.
With the FIB scrolling across the top of the UFO, I’d make sure to NoClip the FIB building too if it hasn’t already been!
Dennis Hopper wouldn’t put a bomb on a motorcycle
“Speed is the most important thing: Pretend that Dennis Hopper has put a bomb on your motorcycle. If you let up on the accelerator, it’ll blow up.”
The headline we didn’t go with: “How I Accidentally Said ‘Bukakke’ To A Stranger In GTA V.”
I wonder whose job it is to create that list and how much fun they had with it. :P
It isn’t because “Nintendo” it is because the producer loves FPS games and his experience with them is that people use voice chat to promote toxic gaming.
I hate that selfie is even a word, let alone a cheap device created to do something that had been done before. I mean, I’m looking at the back of my Cap’n Crunch box right now while I’m eating and it has some shit about you could win blah blah send us your selfie blah blah hashtag.
I love this comment so hard. I don’t know you, but I’m so proud of you.
The attacker was able to flee the scene because everyone runs faster with a knife.
Video game coverage isn’t garbage. I love Kotaku!
What is this, a school for Dragons?!?
The Jackie Chan School For Kids Who Can’t Translate Good