
I don’t even care about it itself, I just like I have a good place to jump into DC comics. A brand I’ve never read before.

I swear, every time one of the Big Two announces a comic that I’m interested in, within a month they’ll announce their next, big, cosmic, epic, no really we mean it crossover that drives me away from trying them out.

Reindeer! All the deer!

I'll see your poke-thing and raise you a true God of the Forest...


Titan's are just misunderstood performance artists

- Speculation
- Lowered Expectations!
- Loss of funds

Cosplay is not for you the audience but for them the cosplayer. They do it because they want to dress up as they favoritve characters, design and assemble their outfits from scratch and wear them proudly for them to look at.
Never is their objective for it to be your or my Desktop Wallpaper

Getting to that point is the ultimate point and goal of a cosplayer.

He's resisting getting a boner, obviously.

Good point... holding a large, awkwardly shaped object of any kind that weighs about 150lbs is difficult, even for someone this muscular. Especially if he's been doing a lot of lifting.

I'm just assuming that they needed to take a lot of photos so they could pick the best one. He might have been holding her for a long time.

her pose may not be the easiest for him to maintain his grip with, or be easy to hold, especially that low. Itd be even harder for him if he didnt have that wall to prop himself up against.

Finishing the entire game results in the NSA showing up at your door.

On July 10th, 2014, a small, mysterious game called "Do Not Believe His Lies" was uploaded to the iOS app store. Since then, over 40,000 people have downloaded the app. Nobody has beaten it. Hell, nobody quite knows what it is, either.

Agreed, but at first this kinda reminded me of Device 6, which was really awesome and totally worth the cost. However, this could ultimately just be an endless series of difficult puzzles built to deliver ads to people and sell them hints, especially given the developer's other creations. Cryptic messages coupled

Everyone in this video seems like a moron.