What if the camera is in the helmet?
What if the camera is in the helmet?
After almost 22 years Doom is finally finished thanks mod-maker Linguica's "InstaDoom", which adds 37 InstaGram…
Drepy — because Link doesn't get much more silent than this.
don't forget The Hunt for Red October
The check is in the mail, I suggest you wait by the box to sign for it when it arrives, it should be there shortly...
Yay! You picked my favorite entry out of all the ones I made! Honestly, after John Wick, I think Keanu Reeves is back...
Booo, i'm putting mine on any way.
She's Queen of the castle.
You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia', but only slightly less well known is this: 'never go in against an editor of Kotaku when death is on the line!' Ha ha ha!!"
Then, of course, there were loads of commenters who didn't think this was a big deal. You might agree. You might not. "Isn't this freedom of speech?" asked one.
I like to think of it as having infinite horizontal resolution.
Try finding a record of a music group you listen to. Try hearing it on a real radio. Now visit that 1080p music video on Youtube.
Sometimes a little bit of rough grain can make some kind of songs sound so much better.
Agreed. The word 'hipster' is thrown around way too much these days. Pretty much, using everyone's logic, EVERYONE is a hipster. Because using their logic, liking anything older than 5 minutes makes you a hipster.
Dave, the pixels hear you dave. They don't look good on your 2000 dollar "80 inch plasma screen TV....with netflix." ~Hellsing~
Ugh, why it alwasy gotta be hipsters. Why can't it just be people that want a new experience? Color is cool but black and white is cool too. I don't know.. to me that looks really cool. I would play that.
Actually, you're probably going to need a modulator box with a VGA-to-RF connector if you're gonna use an old black and white set, or one with an HDMI connector—either way, a simple switch won't cut it with a very old set. You need an old school TV tuner connection somewhere.
Did you somehow miss the part about how an ancient TV set (the object itself) fits the vibe of Fallout?
Ah, but you see, it wasn't a prototype after all. The reason Nintendo has so much money despite being perpetually doomed is that this thing really exists, and it's constantly siphoning off fractions of cents from all the banks in the world.