Right? I always thought Khloe had... Trying to think of the polite way to say this...? An “unusual” face and a really unfortunate hairline?
Right? I always thought Khloe had... Trying to think of the polite way to say this...? An “unusual” face and a really unfortunate hairline?
Luke Evans.
That's the cocaine
Plot twist; he’s having a secret affair with the sister, that’s why they’re cool with each other in public and he’s so insistant he finds fat people repulsive.
I often find fat shamers are men who can shovel whatever they want in their faces and somehow not gain weight (tall skinny folk for example)
Lady Fur Satan is a legit name for a murderous cat nurse. This Sister Jatt (I think). She loves a bit of live-subject human experimentation.
Well if you’d seen it you’d see what I’m getting at 😆
Does he strictly need to? I don’t think it would be wildly out of character for Vanya?
Vanya was already fairly androgynous so it’s not a massive leap?
*Dates a guy who rescues her cat
Me too. Saw stole, read “rescued from an animal abuser"
Yeah I read that part and my stance immediately solidified into “fuck that bitch she isn’t worth your time.
I mean... that was my whole point? heh.
The only thing that allows to claim any continuity of the British “royal line” is their descent from Victoria, a Hanover.
It’s also just nonsense to say the “royal family” has survived for any amount of time. Like, I’m sorry, is she Elizabeth Stuart? Tudor? Orange? York?
You can also just pour in water from a bucket or basin from a great hight. Can take a few attempts but *that* might actually be a useful “lesson” to teach a child for if they ever don’t have a plunger, do a massive poo or try to flush something silly (this trick brought to you by the time by flatmate inexplicably…
No you’re right, I wasn’t.