
And FYI, anything that doesn't fit the status quo narrative is swiftly and decisively dealt with, Nicloa Tesla is a prime example.

Please look up Jaime Maussan, Klaus Dona, Robert Bauvaland Jim Marrs.

Have you read the Vedas from India, the Buddhist text from Tibet and Chinese Zen tablets? There is mention of "Vimanas" in the Vedas, flying objects in the Chinese texts and not to mention Graham Hancock has been piecing together evidence for decades that modern scientists dismiss as "impossible".

And I CANNOT do somebody's homework who refuses to look beyond their TV screen. But, since I started this discussion, I am ENDING it with a final friendly note and hope that you stop calling people names and wake up before it's too late.

So, a civil debate went from a debate to name calling and I am the POS? How far has your head up your @ to be to see that I DID not say aliens did 9/11.

You think only the human race is the "intelligent presence" in the entire Universe? Please tell me you have read the declassified documents from over 15 countries but The US refuses to release it's lion share of the same information.

Ode to Bill Cooper huh? LOL! He's the one who coined this term. Great man, wish he was still alive today.

Ignorant, MSM, brainwashed drone alert. Now please go back to you regular, crappy TV programming.