
Yes, plus according to Elmi, the ENTIRE staff at the host restaurant was inept? Really? The entire staff?

Nope, here's a case of someone who has watched every episode of every season of the show, and knows what they have historically valued and what they have not, and seen it all thrown out the window for this guy, who has very poor staff management skills to boot. Staff management is a very important part of being a

If it was the "closest finale ever," as they made sure to emphasize many times during the show and the deliberation, how in the hell do you give it to the guy who lost his shit during ever. single. challenge. and screamed so loud at the staff that it could be heard in the dining room?? Unbelievable. Top Chef is about

I am floored by the author's assertion that the script "developed
a reputation as one of the best unproduced scripts in Hollywood."  It's a TERRIBLE
script.  The dialogue is by turns stilted, unbelievable, and
annoyingly on the nose.  The secondary characters have no personalities of
their own, but only serve to fulfill