
Now this is why I come here. LOL!

Attention Canadians! This is how you do it. And I’m not just being a “keener” or admiring this author’s “Molson Muscle”.


Right?!?...what about “Eh”? I mean, they don’t even have respect for their currency. (Loonie...really?!?)

Aye, Aye Capt. Murphy...Aye, Aye Indeed!

Ah, Fine Sir, your query doth create vast merriment. On this achievement, I salute you!!

you have now been math-netized

Frozen Nightmares

No way you are Canadian. That was some rough meanness. Was your mother raped by a Polar Bear? BTW - Headline News in Canada:

“Canadian Butt-holes can be quite delicious with some syrup or jelly”

He looked for the bear necessities and found that heaven is a bag o’ dog food.

Is he usually outside the window trying to change the TV channel with a rock?

Rutabaga, is that you? Why are you hiding underground?

I was always mesmerized by that GD fugly shirt in this gif - I failed to notice how ducked up Drew’s thumbs look. Thanks for pointing it out. It almost looks like he was a victim of one of those horrible accidents when a mechanic or a machinist loses both thumbs in an industrial accident and the doctors remove the

FINALLY!!!....[Shits in hands, throws it all over the office, strips to his socks and runs from the building screaming, “The first sign of the start of the 2015/16 NFL season is here!!!”]

I think everyone on the editorial staff is high, drunk or both over recent happenings. WAIT - that is the perfect time to write something about PLOG!

Call 911! This friendly stranger who is giving me this earth-shattering beejer is now having cock-vultions!

Yup. By mid-day, office job, pits start reeking in these shirts worse that two-day weekend BO akin to rotting fruit and dog barf. Time for an investigative piece methinks.

To be played by Steve Carell.

Don’t folk with the dyslexic forks. It’s cornsidered bad from.