4 less than 8 months and resantly paid for the morgage on their villa and bought a great new Chevrolet_check_this_link..dtrumpview.comᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ
4 less than 8 months and resantly paid for the morgage on their villa and bought a great new Chevrolet_check_this_link..dtrumpview.comᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ
Yes, just like business expenses. The exact term escapes me, but it is essentially a policy that someone who runs a business from their home would use.
Oh, interesting. I guess it’s sort of the same idea as business expenses? But I didn’t realize there was a separate policy just for professional equipment. Good to know!
My homeowner’s policy also refuses to cover any items you’ve used to make money (I’m paraphrasing). For example, if you play guitar and have used it for a paying gig, they won’t cover damage to the instrument. You have to buy a separate professional equipment policy.
This is exactly how I realized I needed to formalize my data analysis skills, especially in the area of big data. None of the job postings were looking for people who do what I do anymore.
Also he didn’t contact these recruiters, they usually got his old resume from some other time he applied jobs that he wanted or was laid off and would take contract work at the time. We’re talking years ago info.
Couldn’t agree more. In addition to helping you prepare for the next step, looking regular at job listings helps create a benchmark for your current position. Salary? Benefits? Responsibilities? Title? Comparing with like-position postings can be really useful when you need to have the discussion with your boss about…
There’s nothing wrong with looking or even talking to recruiters. 1) Just don’t do on company time and especially on company networks. 2) Be careful of “teasing” recruiters. If you’re happy with your position, let them know that.
What about the opposite? How do you not look when recruiters call and email you every single day?
Another thing you might want to think of is that just because you work on a job with a particular skillset, that doesn’t mean that the skillset doesn’t change to include more things that you may or may not be asked to do in your current job. Searching job boards, and occasionally talking to people about other jobs can…
I would look for reviews from local papers about past events. At least that would be an indication that it might happen again and you can use the info contact them to confirm the deal on the sites. Avoid first time festivals that advertiser on groupon and fb deals and as others have said, use your credit card.
Their popularity and commonality have nothing to do with affordability. Starbucks is both popular and everywhere and I wouldn’t say that they are affordable. (Unless you’re an Olsen twin).
You're asking if people have money to spend on a food festival? Do you live on another planet? These festivals are extremely popular and extremely common
To be fair I don’t use those as fun times at Starbucks. They are only for when I’m super dragging at a convention and that’s a rare occurrence. Plus I’m already getting a real deal with a real company as opposed to a food festival. (I will say that the money spent at said con is an example of me using my discretionary…
if you’re spending money at Starbucks, you’ve just chosen to spend your discretionary income at a different place than some others choose.
How to get a fake news story into a local newspaper:
I know this is real and that it’s hurting people but all I could think of when I read this was “these people have extra money to spend on something like that?” I wish I had that kind of extra money. In a way I do, but it’s going to my savings not to a food festival. (Maybe to Starbucks to get a $15 card for $10. So…
Yep, as I mentioned in the post, they’re apparently also posting through local newspapers and radio stations.
The terrorists figured out the best way to get everyone’s money in the US. Their stomachs... Won’t someone please think of the gluttons? -er- “foodies”?
As a current resident of Charlotte, I appreciate you posting this! Thanks!