
Yeah, if they want us to take them seriously they should not be making claims like that.

I see this won’t go over easy.

These are all eggcelent.

They should determine this vehicle as totaled.

Do you think this is a good step towards Caddy taking customers from the German competition? What still needs to be improved to put them a level higher?

I’ll be damned. That mock-up has aged well

Why do you think that is? I haven’t driven or talked to anyone that has driven a newer one but they seem like solid cars. I like the look of their sedans as well.

How well is the Ridgeline selling?

I really dig that bike. Do you ever feel that 600cc is not fun enough? I don’t own a motorcycle, yet, and I don’t understand the appeal of the 900cc+ bike?

Do you even mpg?

Hey, 142,000 km is about 82,000 miles not 145k. Changes the perception quite a bit for me.

Check the update.

Check da update.

I’ll try to find it somewhere, but I remember watching a Porsche video or something and they someone was explaining it. I could be completely off base here though.

If I remember correctly, it it most likely because if you change a seat belt whatsoever (in this case the thread color) you have to go through all crash testing again. It would cost BMW a ton. So they probably left it to her to change later.

At first I was like “nah, the fenders aren’t that much better”,

Inefficient baby boomer.

I would just like to announce that yesterday I realized David Tracy is my neighbor.

I get great enjoyment in thinking of you methodically selecting cheesy stock music options.