Vigorously Valsalvic

Seven hours in, how the fuck does this comment only have four recommendations???

“Team-up” is such a polite name for it...

Just watched JW2 again recently, and the little upward wrist twitch he does between the centre-mass shot and the headshot will never get old.

This is exactly what I came here to post. Glad you had it under control...

Not enough stars to reward either your user name, or your comment, let alone both...

OK, that took me WAY too long.

With Bad Boys - What Shalt Thou Do When They Doth Come For Three as the penultimate instalment...

The bugnuts insanity of Bad Boys II makes it a perennial guilty pleasure for me, but as much as I enjoy the squib-laden chaos in the moment, I always come away feeling more than a little dirty. From the not-really-even-lampshaded racism, to the copious gay panic, to the queasy body horror of the mortuary subplot, it’s

I initially processed the header image as some Rob Liefeld-level creative anatomy, before I realized that the lady in the foreground is actually standing perfectly straight, and the pants on the right go with the person playing pool.

I initially thought there was something missing from this comment, but then I realized that this one was actually posted after your “high heaven” comment, and salute you for not repeating yourself.


Agreed. Looking at Evans is probably about 23% of my motivation for checking out any ensemble MCU title...

It’s no Entourage or Dan In Real Life 2 script, but I’ll take it.

Love Making History for so many reasons, not the least of which being that it introduced me to the use of “Pants!” as an expletive.

As a 0-0.5 on the Kinsey Scale, I agree wholeheartedly.

I saw absolutely zero chance that Curtis was walking out of that trailer alive. I was shocked when he got off with “only” half his head caved-in...

The Urban movie didn’t have quite enough killing for a Snyder Batman vehicle...

Stephen King-of-the-Can-toi...

The criteria necessary to evaluate a Farrelly brother’s Oscar Bait are nuanced and layered.

Do not underestimate the raw power of a man eating a folded-up pizza as a sandwich.