As a trans woman you can absolutely hate her despite her trans status. She does not represent us at-the-fuck-all.
As a trans woman you can absolutely hate her despite her trans status. She does not represent us at-the-fuck-all.
It sounds like your position is you don’t care if it’s disadvantageous to the software creators, just that you benefit in the end. Except you aren’t benefiting in the end either, you are paying more for a limited library of applications. You sound like an apple pr person, or an apple fanboy.
You could certainly make the argument that police departments, having been given the opportunity to police themselves, have failed and therefore don’t deserve an opportunity to continue doing so, but I would really ask how effective self-policing was ever going to be without the real threat of being policed by an…
I dunno seems kind of like they deserve each other.
I can’t find the original quote, but Ben said that was the worst relationship and time of his life.
Every time I read one of these stories, the consultant in me comes out and I think “If police unions and departments actually stood up and said “There are bad cops and we’re going to make a good faith effort to A) get them off the streets, B) get them off the force, and C) keep them from ending up somewhere else.”…
This woman sounds like a psycho who should be in prison. What’s scary is every decent sized force seems to have some of these types. Tax funded street gangs is what some people have “protecting and serving” them.
A friend of mine’s sister was a US Marshall. She’s an absolute psychopath.
“Trump supporting cop” feels like a redundancy in terms.
I mean it’s not a surprise that a trump supporting pig would do some heinous shit like this.
If they weren’t all BLM Antifa commie anarchists using late-term abortions as casual birth control trying to discredit the greatest president of the greatest nation, well...would this be happening to them right now? Serves‘em right for sex trafficking children packed into expensive armoires shipped out of pizza parlor…
I have been so impressed with Willow Smith’s music. I mean, there’s no way she got where she is without some good old hollywood nepotism, but dang! I hear “female energy” a few times without knowing it was her song and fell in love with it hard.
So THAT'S what's in that syrup that makes it taste so good!
It’s the new conservative campaign strategy. Get famous for being a racist pile of trash, claim you were “cancelled” and then launch a run for office on the backs of sympathetic white nationalists sending you cash.
Well, they appeared to be well disciplined in not bringing shame on their unit, uniform, etc. Not saying the IHOP HOE didn’t deserve a fresh, hot knuckle sammitch with a side of floor, but doing so while on the clock in uniform might not reflect well on your chances for future promotion.
an unidentified white woman offered to pay for their meal and placed $30 on their table.
I have heard from a judge that meth is so powerful in how it messes up your brain that it basically removes your ability to feel joy/love for anything but meth.
I found parts 2 and 3, couldn’t find part 1; anyone got a link?