Tuned into Fox News and even they are calling it Biden’s win. Expect the oncoming month with full on Hurricane Trump twittershitting flurries.
Tuned into Fox News and even they are calling it Biden’s win. Expect the oncoming month with full on Hurricane Trump twittershitting flurries.
Hell yeah. I may be white but this doesn’t mean I get represented less, it means other people can get represented more. Bring all people, Black, Hispanic, Women, LGBTQ+, everyone. The game industry has plenty of room for growth.
This is an insane, cruel, moronic comment (i.e. exactly what I would expect from a Trump supporter). A quarter of a million people have died from the pandemic—that is a quarter of a million sets of families and friends permanently deprived of a loved one. Millions more people have been infected with a disease that…
I hear how stressed you are with every post. Is there something difficult - rather than fun - that you can do that will take up your concentration for awhile?
Oh, that reminds me that I need to hit the liquor store before the rioting starts.
I absolutely LOVED Battle Chasers: Nightwar so I would be perfectly fine with this game being very similar to it.
If you haven’t played Nightwar it’s on GamePass and is well worth checking out.
I was a teenager during the burning flight of the Dreamcast. News like this make my back and knees joints hurt, and also instigate a insane urge to yell at a cloud. Mah boes, I feel old.
You’ve got the candidate who doesn’t want to increase your risk of getting COVID-19, and there’s the candidate who seems to be going out of his way to make sure that you catch it.
Like the Animal Crossing island, it falls into the “kinda lame” category, like the “Pokemon Go to the polls” before it.
Granted if Trump were to try something similar, it would probably be a very European, very inbred Crusader Kings type of empire.
This is the vibe I get every time I see politicians appealing to the gamer community.
I might suggest that the course of recorded history stands on the side of your “destined to be good in the end” feelings. We have come a looong way from our distant past in terms of well, everything.
I thought Republicans were the party who wanted to keep celebrities out of politics?
Read a post on Reddit last night from a waitress in Brooklyn talking about Paul Rudd coming into her restaurant yesterday afternoon. She said he was genuinely nice and friendly and after lunch he took a cute socially distanced pic with her and left a $100 dollar tip on a $100 check.
I’m not worried. Dev’s leave studios all the time, and while the timing is suspicious, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a problem with the game. There’s bound to be some growing pains with Microsoft suddenly having custody of 15+ new studios.
I’m so encouraged by the uptick in young voter participation. I hope it’s not a blip.
It’s less of an issue for reading the discs and more for inserting them upside down, as I don’t believe discs are designed to be readable through whatever pictures and texts are printed on them.
I’d make a comment about how we don’t all look the same, but holy shit that guy really does look like Mr. Miyagi.
Good, keep losing your jobs you racist fucks.