Now compare doom eternal and serious Sam 4
Now compare doom eternal and serious Sam 4
THanks for the added detail last paragraph clarifying your point. I get that you’re using condescension to respond to my flippant comment to “go play fortnite”, and for sending us down this rabbit hole I apologize. Continuing like this means we lose focus of the topic so I’ll try to keep my reply succinct
Youre being oddly aggressive, and obtusely missing the point or we have a major miscommunication. We are talking about the halo game out now. Which is halo infinite multi-player. There’s no campaign to talk of until December.
Didn’t mean to offend. I just don’t understand why play something you don’t like. You stated you didn’t like the pvp. Halo is all about its pvp (nades, melee, shooting) at its core
It’s like they are separate games. Don’t need one for the other
The Multi-player is free. The single player is not. Perhaps that wasn't clear
If you don’t like the pvp of halo, then halo simply isnt for you.. if you like loot boxes and customization there's this game called fortnite
Its a live game service with free maps added in the future unlike older halos (save for halo 5 where map packs were given for free) that require you to pay for DLC.
The game is free
There’s something truly rad about having generic looking spartan at the top of the leaderboard
Dammit I can’t trust anybody anymore
Im one of the dummies who pre-ordered. I enjoyed battlefield 3, 4 and battlefield 1 so I had a lot of faith in the franchise. I impulse pre-ordered it on the Xbox dashboard. I shouldn’t have. Because it’s coming out right when halo is, which is a more important franchise and another game I’m a huge fan of.
Lets remember that these aren’t finishing touches. These are CHANGES to the game based on feedback from the beta
Jay Leno
You’re being awfully naive if you think you’re immune to accidents yourself
Cutting carbs, to me, is a lot harder than cutting cals
You talk to your momma with that mouth ?
The next mediocre joke that will probably get too much mileage is, "mephisto confirmed"
All the characters around her drink yuengling so it isn't lost on the producers. Perhaps it's her characters preference
The only other alternative is a dead boy. Dead gender neutral perhaps?