
My Man!

Prima facia evidence that there is a distinct difference on the sidelines between: Prostate and Prostrate.

Who’s the black private dick

I chalk it it up to their affinity for Roquefort...

Just as well, I was more of a Lynyrd Skynyrd fan as a yout...

Right. Allegedly.

Reading this, it occurs to me that had Seguin not literally fucked his way out of Boston - What could have been...

+1 bad muthafuckah

So, the PSL holders’ flight of fancy, reversed thrust and are now, in a maverick move - trying to bail out? Hopefully someone can talk them down, to a more softer landing...

An eyewitness to the incident, recalled Davis - when interrogated by the police - responded:

My takeaway:

Leave it to Joe, to compound an already fractious relationship...

Drew, while I certainly don’t root for this to happen - you do realize, that because of your affinity for the Vikings and your full-throated disdain for the Redskins, Cousins is destined to rupture his scrotum on the first day of OTAs....

+25 possession arrows

“Huzzah! Behold my Fabergé egg!

Excellent idea.

I suppose I could ping Pong...

Irregardless, I’d rather have a $1 hotdog than a free T-shirt...

As an aside, my ex used to leak in the booth at Applebee’s, from laughter, when I would put the menu on my head and pretend to be the Flying Nun...