
Am I the only person a little bored by the idea of another Spiderman movie?

Oh man the ‘70s were great. Drugs were cheap and all the STDs were still curable.

Almost all the principals in that movie have that just-got-baked-and/or-fucked look about them. The ‘70s were a sweet ride.

Did Alden Ehrenreich not audition?

Who else is bathing in the schadenfreude over this needless, naked crash-grab?

Yup, I’m skipping it and wish I had skipped Age of Ultron. Oof, what a waste of money that was. And, like, I saw Dr. Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 but I can barely remember what happened because, really, nothing did.

I don’t want to see anothe Spider-Man movie, honestly. I’m fine with the Sam Raimi versions.

GOTG 2 also got positive early reactions and that movie ended up being disappointing.

In fairness, BvS and MoS got similar early reviews, so you were probably right to be dismissive.

They were grown in vats that somebody forgot to sterilize properly...

There’s nothing quite like false equivalence. The picture is disgusting not because it is two men together, but because it is THOSE two men together.

How is it homophobic? No one is saying their consensual relationship is bad because they’re both men, it’s because they’re both corrupt.


It would go so far over their heads.

Don’t lump Norman Lear’s genius in with this garbage.

This stupid show has been on for six years? I’ve never even heard of it.

I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

It’s really terrible. I feel so very bad for the younger generation which does not know the freedom we once had to be our anonymous selves in public arenas. And so very bad for people of my generation who still believe that we can run to the drugstore at 10:30 pm wearing our sweatpants and a t-shirt, and not be

I hate it when people do awful things and then distance themselves by saying “That wasn’t me! That’s not who I am!”

Um, from what I’ve heard, Act II of Covenant is basically Prometheus 2. That’s been a big complaint among some of the reviewers.