
Ah yes, Trump supporters committing fraud in order to combat the non-existent fraud they claim is already happening. How funny would it be if this year sees an all-time high for voter fraud, but all due to Republican voters?

Wasn’t she already pregnant when the first shitstorm broke? That’s a pretty big incentive to try to work it out.

I bet it would just blow this dude’s mind to know that I don’t want to be groped by legitimately attractive men, let alone Trump.

My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.

The show became torture porn, or I came to realize it was, and I stopped watching. That happened two seasons ago, and everything I’ve read about the show since has not tempted me back.

They have enough comic book material to last quite a while and it’s pretty decent material. The real problem is the TV show which is subpar in many many aspects.

In fact at the last minute he was able to hide under a dumpster and he is just fine. Just wait a few episodes.

I did all of those things and I was still disappointed. And I’m not even one of the season six haters - I thought season six was fucking awesome. But last night was just waaay too drawn out. I understand the producers were trying to break Rick down but FFS, they could have done that whole thing (killing Glenn, making

They could have pulled this off so much better by killing Abraham last season, putting everyone off guard under the idea that “hey they killed a main character but not the one we expected.” Leaving you to wonder how the rest were getting out of this, and then OPENED with Glenn becoming roadkill.

I think glenn is coming back from this one. I have a feeling.

I love Michelle Obama so much. She’s so graceful and smart and badass. I’m sad that they’re leaving. *sobs*

This! So. Much. Of. This! I’m fed up to the ears with this rationale. So tired of women being raped only to be “their fault”. So fed up with the rapists getting away with it, specially if they are white and young, and have some money. SO FUCKING FED UP!

So, they put her on speaker and made a video of the conversation. They intentionally mumbled the word “consensual” in a blatant attempt to trick her into saying something exculpatory. Bros over hos, AMIRITE?

I don’t get guys who know their roomate has violently raped someone (and heard rumours it’s multiple women) and thinks “well what about his future?”

From the linked story. Fuck this guy, pray all you fucking want, but your son violently raped at least 3 women, the article implies there are more and that he’s been doing it since High School. You raised a rapist so fuck your prayers. And fuck this guy, he’s “truly remorseful” because he got caught no other reason.

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

He spent his whole life pushing around piano salesmen and carpet installers and decided he was invincible. Don’t fuck with the NYT, Donny - this isn’t their first rodeo.

Donald Trump’s reputation is too fucked up to be libeled.

Hello Gawker my old friend.