
Very uncool... Antsy Labs is the original creator and this product is a cheap Chinese Manufacturing ripoff! I’ve felt the difference and the Antsy Labs one is far higher quality. Plus, you aren’t supporting thieves.

Very uncool... Antsy Labs is the original creator and this product is a cheap Chinese Manufacturing ripoff! I’ve

Good point. That’s why this year’s multiplayer will let you die once — then you’ll never be able to play again.

Actually, it is exactly as colourful stylish as he wanted it to be, because it’s his Switch and not yours.

I agree - they do incredible work, although I must admit that this morning’s string of breathless Scorpio previews (and the fact that Microsoft paid for their trip) made me raise an eyebrow.

(I am being sarcastic.)

You’re a bit off on that,

If you let him live, and if you go to him, you can buy the cores of the children. Since he does not remember them, he does not understand what it means to him. Heartbreaking.

This has little to do with age and pricing vs how Nintendo games do not go down in price, ever. Look at any used popular Nintendo game, even if it’s pretty common, it’s hard to find for any less than nearly full price, vs other platforms which go down to a few dollars.

A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

I can’t help but see Main Lady as the Lady from Team America.

Now playing

Track: Tokyo Girl | Artist: Perfume | Album: Tokyo Girl Single 

Did you know that the Switch actually lets you select your profile when you select the game? It’s beautiful. 

Great news; your efforts just made a lot of people’s jobs easier. Thank you, Jason!


I wouldn’t say pointless, it’s a good demonstration of the legality of criticism and fair use thereof.

Update: Cecilia weighs in:

The very idea of a man-made Pokemon is cool as fuck, and everything Porygon can turn into is also cool as fuck.