Doc, I do really enjoy your commentary but I need to weigh in here:
Doc, I do really enjoy your commentary but I need to weigh in here:
Hawick is part of Scotland, therefore it must already BE a drug-addled shanty town.
I'm laughing my arse off that you analysed it at all :')
Damn, that Heavy has never looked so Heavy before. Are these TF2 Statues or branded weapons? Yikes!
I'd be the guy who would say no, but yes you're right about that.
Do Infinity Blade games ever see an Android release?
I know right? If they're buying GTA, they're off duty. If they're off duty, they get the same treatment as other customers.
Sitting in my room, browsing Kotaku, got a stranger kidnapped in the boot of my car, uTorrent is open, I haven't separated my recycling from my general waste...
What kids read Kotaku?
Well for those of us who aren't Watch_Dogs developers, we have no choice other than playing GTAV first :P
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Talk show host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, speaking on Fox & Friends following the horrific shooting in Washington, D.C. yesterday, suggested that people who play video games should be monitored.
The fact that "GATV" is trending leaves me little hope for humanity. There are FOUR letters to abbreviate this game, and you can't manage it
Just to clear up the confusion:
I've already written extensively about how review scores are hurting the games industry, but this is another issue. Review scores, the numbers slapped onto the ends of video game critiques like spoiled mayonnaise on a perfectly good pastrami sandwich, are problematic because they lower the level of discourse. They…
Those damn credits, I can't bring myself to walk away from them! If I were to misjudge the length of them and come back too late I'd hate myself.
"Gotta Catch 'Em All" never truly left our hearts, but it did leave official Pokemon channels for a bit. The Pokemon Company is bringing it back, and they've recruited renowned electronica artist Pogo to produce this bit of nonsense.