Vie Ventar

Englisher, here. I often see 15-year-old A4's with S4, or heaven forbid, RS4 badges.

I’m usually pretty anti-death penalty... but apparently there is a line in my head where it becomes the right - the only - option and that line is women in garbage bags.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

Facebook also offered Jennifer’s friends and family the option to “block” her if they didn’t like what she’d “posted”. The pictures were only taken down after Facebook ascertained that the account had been “hacked.” According to the New York Daily News article: “The social network initially declined to take the photo

It’s not just Facebook, but American culture in general. Hyper-violence in movies and TV with little to no consequence? No problem.

I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.

Fucking bullshit facebook. Get your shit together.

Yeah, go ahead and try to invade Texas.

Hillbillies gonna hillbilly.

That’s okay, we’re often watching and laughing at Texas.

I’m not sure about whirlybirds, but if this doesn’t scare the bro-dozers, nothing will:

Even ISIS has F-250s for their re-engineered technicals. Hell, F-250s from Texas at that.

Yes that’s why your governor order a bunch of old fat diabetics with guns to monitor the US military.

Come on, a lifted F-150 with a gun rack is tougher than some lightweight whirly-bird, right?

LOL! Yet more Texas bluster, over a paranoid conspiracy theory by ignoramuses. Sheesh...

“at least those of us that count”

This. Several of my friends were like, “let them invade us, we’ll kick em out!” and I’m like, “yeah, your AR-15 is gonna do a lot against an Apache, militiaman”

Look out for the mighty Texas Air Force and Navy? A redneck with a rifle is no match for an Ohio-class submarine and all of its special cargo.


Isn't Cordyceps what the Last Of Us is going to be based on?