Oh yeh Forza Horizon. I forgot that existed.
Oh yeh Forza Horizon. I forgot that existed.
Same here, it's called Hand Egg!
And now CR should make money by renting it out to other journalists, if they have any sense.
Well they are German, what did you expect?
I now want to kill anybody who has ever owned one of these things...
Skoda: VW with several grand off the price.
"Integral Electrical Controll (sic) Wing Mirror with Turnning (sic) Indicator" — Watch your spelling, guys! "Wing mirror" doesn't really make sense to us. I think you meant to say "rear-view mirror."
Oh wait, you said best. I thought you said blandest.
Ich fürchte, ein weiterer Automobilhersteller hat sie es geschlagen.
I have to admit, in its 70's form I actually rather like it... ..but then the owners did the rest to it...
I did warn you.
http://youtu.be/ Hey, I found footage of this thing being made!