Mike vietvetoppressed at diqus

Preaching to the choir (mostly). It’s the ones who are drinking the MAGA Kool-Aid who need these salient points drilled into their eardrums via a bullhorn on an hourly basis.

“Sarah, the President recently tweeted that a sitting congresswoman was a very low IQ person, is that civil?”

... but I at least gave her credit for being the only one who tried to maintain a sense of dignity befitting her role.

You are severely overestimating the thought process and attention span of the American voting public and severely underestimating the Democrats’ ability to cave on an issue.

Where is my comment I posted...too much truth for you rotten bastards.fuck the car salesman from Erie pa.they destroyed the steel industry in western pa. Cause union people made money,no welfare,nothing off the government,now their chief money making industry is dope...good way to live, is a minority

How the fuck is a multi-billion dollar entity run so fucking poorly?

I hope these dumb fucks keep sending them because evidence!

Wtf delete me from the system but at least notify me

How do censors let this comment in when what I said was less offensive?