Mike vietvetoppressed at diqus

A least I don't need to say how I feel about the other feckless runt,you said it for me,thanks admiral.

The workforce is strung out on heroin,brought to you by politicians on the take.

BI guest as hole ever,him and the rest of those douche bag mothers

If it has an R after the name and PA. Then bet the rent the guy is an asshole.

Print it  

Pring it.

Where is my comment I posted...too much truth for you rotten bastards.fuck the car salesman from Erie pa.they destroyed the steel industry in western pa. Cause union people made money,no welfare,nothing off the government,now their chief money making industry is dope...good way to live, is a minority

I’m glad she did not yield to the whitey car dealer from where his kind destroyed the steel industry because the union wanted a fair wage,now they make money selling dope,his kind should be happy they destroyed his part of america.....bill Maher is on track about the gang in d.c. keep on getting on ms.waters.

Yes a parking ticket

No,just another elitist using family ties to have a high priced job with all the perks.

IIt’s a wonder that these journalists have not bailed on the scag’s lie sessions every day.

Oink,oink with pearls

Wtf pending again?

She banged trump while he was married to maples,goes around comes around.

Why am I pending?

Someone should tell the daughter that she pulling her drawers down when El Gordo was married to Marla maples,goes around comes around blondie.

You are so right....

He was hot,but he best fuget about it,cause he good but he ain’t that good

He is done.giggly with glee.

I’m not allowed to reply no idea why