
The battle system is one of the best. The story is in the middle. I would go for it, especially for the price. There’s a lot of content. People rave about 3 but my god did I hate that game. The battle system was just bad IMO. The story was OK but nothing amazing at all. The acting was terrible. I haven’t played 5 but

It’s chronologically the first in the series timeline so its a fine game to start with story wise. It was the first I tried and i really liked it back then, dunno how it’d hold up now though.

Never forget.

Here’s a helpful reminder you can share with others who aren’t quite yet sure:

Wish I had the video, but at my UNI on November 8th, there were borderline riots outside the freshman dorms. Everyone was shouting “fuck trump” but one IDIOT thought it was a good idea to rip his shirt off, put on an american flag bandana and stand in the middle of the crowd and shout in his HEAVY southern accent

My late grandparents survived the Holocaust, so the fact that stories like this are still happening today is surreal if not entirely surprising. But I must admit I find the handwringing over whether or not it’s OK to punch Nazis to be kinda sickening. Dude believes that all non-whites should be removed from America in

I thought GTA IV was garbage. I got tired of a bunch of assholes calling me every two seconds asking to hang out.

  •   San Andreas clearly the best of all of them- anyone who disagrees is a millennial ;) Seriously tho, this is the most RPG and has the least annoying characters.

I think San Andreas is the best because I simply had the most fun with it. I have the most fond memories of it. It was the first game where “dicking around” was a perfectly acceptable way to spend hours - personally, I’d grab a plane and take off from the desert strip and fly over Mount Chiliad, then parachute to the

It’s funny, GTA IV is so damn divisive and I am on the opposite side of you. I owned the OG GTA I and loved it. When GTA III came out, I didn’t have PS2, but my neighbor did so I would play it at his house. It became my favorite. Vice City was even better, and at the time it was my favorite game, and is still my

The weird thing about San Andreas was that I had the most fun with it when I wasn’t playing it the way it was intended. When it came out, we were still in the era of gaming urban myths and I remember exploring the woods with my friends searching for Bigfoot, ghost cars and all that other stuff. We had a lot of fun

For me, GTA4 was just.. boring. It was the first game in the series I ever started from the beginning and actually tried to “play”. The characters are boring, the story is boring.. and even the city (somehow, I don’t even know) was boring.
I remember feeling so forced to try to finish it, which I absolutely did not.

San Andreas is so heavily revered on the internet that I feel like putting it first would’ve been the least controversial option. Putting it fourth, behind its followups, is ballsy.

IV’s problem wasn’t that it was too serious: it’s that the tone was all over the place. It’s hard to get drawn into Nico’s angst about getting a fresh start when you’re running over old ladies and watching Republican Space Rangers.

I can’t really argue with the list except for the fact that GTA4 is what lost my interest and it had nothing to do with the tone. It was the movement. It just feels so off, like instead of just pivoting and moving left my character has to walk this wide arc.

Yeah, V is fantastic gameplay-wise, but the story is crap, Trevor is a piece of shit who I vastly dislike playing as, and it’s just really not memorable.

San Andreas was the one I had the most fun playing and the game that I immediately think about if someone says “Grand Theft”

If Hillary had won instead, also by the slimmest of margins, would you truly feel safe and calm knowing that 49% didn’t vote for her and those people are in your midst?

I wonder how native Americans feel... Hmmmm

I guess it’s easy to point a finger. You do Realize, Historically, the U.S. is just as bad, if not worse... Because unlike Nazi Germany... We Actually succeeded.