
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.

My friends and I have generally agreed that we can cancel on each other if we absolutely hate the idea of being around other humans the night The Plan is supposed to happen. Sometimes, you just need to sit at home and re-watch Harry Potter movies in your grubbies instead of putting on proper clothing and going outside.

I love listeria, I use that every morning when I brush my teeth, minty fresh breath. What’s the problem?

Yeah I know, its genuinely awful. With all things, wait a while then get it, in -12 months it’ll be a completely different game or it’ll be dead

Reading takes work and thinking takes time. Better for some to just assume, voice the outrage based on those assumptions, and feel that they have somehow contributed to the “conversation.”

This comment bears no discernible relationship to the article its speaking on. Their concern is very clearly not who the target is, as it does in fact note the worthiness of leaking some of this information, but the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.

Thanks for admitting to the world that you can’t read.

Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money

He could have made it to garbage island and drifted forever.

It’s a gorgeous computer-animated narrative about what happens when one leaf-cutter ant decides to follow his heart and abandon his colony. And maybe it applies to my life a little too much.

Founder and CEO has to sit at a desk facing another desk?

Well, I mean to say. In just a very few words — in everything he’s said, really, not just this particular drive-by — buddy has given the world the opportunity to gaze in to the abyss of his psyche. It’s the kind of gaze a person wants to break off as quickly as possibly, less the abyss, proverbially, gaze back.

How to change a tire

Have to go now. Departing thought: you guys should continue to push the Cosby thing (& encourage others to do the same), don’t let it fade to obscurity like many of these things do. Seriously, dude probably wouldn’t end up in jail and we all know he raped those women.

i wish more trolls would be this honest and open

I’m a troll, but even I don’t have time for this. Don’t feed next time unless you have something valuable or snarky to say.

It really bugs me when these kinds of things are referred to as “man” things. They’re “adult” things, “outdoor skills,” “mechanical skills,” “resourcefulness,” and so on. Just like social skills and aesthetic sensibilities aren’t “woman” things. It’s just those little, unnecessary reinforcements of gender norms that

Then I demand a raise. And a BJ.

I just don’t understand how people find it so difficult. The first time I needed to change a tire, I looked at the jack, looked at the tire, and it was extremely self explanatory.

And this is exactly why my dad made me learn how to change my own tire, he knew I’d never be able to count on a man to do it for me.