
Try flying, or going on vacation, or staying over at someone’s house, or sharing your big TV with a partner, or sharing the system with people at work, or using it on the stationary bike at the gym. There are plenty good uses to play games outside the home aside from... doctor’s office..

This is a beautiful marriage.

Mass shootings kill more people than terrorists. Can we just ignore terrorism then too?

Good for her. Get your money girl.

The problem isn’t inconsistent behavior. The problem is policing mild, relatively harmless sexual content in general.

Tyrone should never have had a job. But any response to this article other than his immediate firing is irredeemable for Nicalis.

lol, “back to home”. clever.

lol, “back to home”. clever.

It’s hard to say what happened and why. Regardless, I feel they would all three be alive today had this woman not had access to a firearm.

She deserves this firing. She deserves to continue to have to answer and pay for that mistake for the rest of her career. It doesn’t have to be career ending, but bumps on the road to her success are warranted. She acknowledges the skit was wrong, but she also needs to recognize these small, recurring penalties are

Tito, your brother is dead as a result of the rhetoric your president uses and the endorsement of gun culture your party pursues. Your nephew is orphaned. He will grow up despised by white Republicans as an “invader” and a freeloader (if he receives any welfare). Maybe consider a political party that doesn’t

I don’t consider Chris liberal.

Why would you ask this question? Is the behavior of these women, in even the slightest way possible, deserving of harassment?

100% this!

I didn’t see anything about the security guard being fired. He needs to be. And prevented from working in that field anytime in the near future.


Hackers are essential for exposing vulnerabilities though, provided they don’t do any harm. 

Maybe he’s just singing a song and didn’t actually cheat on anyone.

JFC this is garbage Ms. Evans. If you don’t think any gay person can face discrimination you’re just a shitty person.

Yikes. He’s 10 years older and women tend to live ~5 years longer. It’s no risk for him, but he’s suggesting she end her life 15 years earlier just b/c he’s not in it. They have kids. That’s not love. That’s unhealthy codependency.

That’s fair Mr. Rivera, but Hyrule Castle is its own fun giant dungeon with lots of clever pathways, mini-bosses, korok seeds, and even some side missions. So don’t miss it out. It has some great gameplay.