
@moothemagiccow: I think they are working to fix that to some extent. My Vaio now connects to the PS3 as a bluetooth keyboard which is really helpful as its tedious entering text in the browser using the PS3 controller.

Seriously...if you can read and/or have used any Android can use this remote. The right d-pad has all four Android-standard buttons while the left one is for navigating. Yea...if it were backlit it would be awesome. Does this work over bluetooth?

@redman042: Agreed...I would wait on some other manufacturers to adopt this. Sony's implementations are laggy in general. They put bloatware everywhere phones, Vaios and make them laggy. But here they don't even have bloatware still they couldn't make it smooth. This is the reason why Apple wins at UI and user

Of course...twice the probability of breaking glass on 4 vs 3GS?


Hope Sony allows PS Eye to make video calls using Skype or any other network. That would be awesome.

@registeraccount21: This is for Android phones on other networks. Skype launched the official app a few days back and crippled it so that customers in US won't be able to make calls over 3g (but only wifi).

I should use this as my next avatar pic. ;)

@darkcrayon: Well...for whatever reason Google has not even updated Maps app on the iPhone. While the one on Android has a lot of new features and is way ahead of its sibling on iOS.

@NaeemTHM: You have windows don't you. ;)

@norcal.nathan: Yep...on occasions where I go to a place where they need at least $5 or $10 to charge my credit card.

Cool...another excuse for people to just stay home and not go out at all.

Man...he looks really weak.

I would get an Evo hands down but I'm happy with my Nexus One. :)

This will be lame for home use but great for businesses. We have some video conferencing equipment at our workplace (and god knows how much we pay for it) which is not that bad but 1080p video and 720p recording are great. Well...we would have to get rid of the CRT TVs we have first.

The lead shot for this article is misleading. Its not a battle between the various navigation apps on iOS vs those on Android (you can just remove the 'vs' from the picture). I would like to see one of those articles though. :)

It's funny how Microsoft, Apple and Google do not sue each other. ;)

No 3G calling and 14MB install apce required (no Move to SD)...I'll pass for now.