
So...Apple won't hire gays/lesbians as well right?

Ok...let me post my question on LifeHacker too...may be I'll get some help here. Here goes:

So...they have a 'LONG LOAD' sign at the back???

Is there somewhere I can get a standalone download of this. Proxy servers at my work place block the chrome installer from downloading the software.

I agree...Weather Channel is the best weather app for Android. It's widget is good too.

I agree with this article. Microsoft already has a couple of apps on iOS and Android devices which one may not even bother to look at. Why not bring out more apps. Also, Bing should not be locked down to Verizon devices on Android, its hampering the usage of Bing (even though Google is way better on Android).

I have done that several times...even typing while 'you know where'. LOL

Well of course Apple is going to utilize the iOS features on Apple TV in next year's update and lock you down further into the iEcoSystem (which is a good and a bad thing). That'll be a third iteration of the iOS.

So...2.736 trillion (legit emails) vs 93.81 billion (legit snail mails) gives a 29 to 1 ratio.

@Ding-Dang: You mean Lexi's insurance??

@Gregory Mercurio: You got me there on WDTV works just fine with mkv.

@javalsu: I think you are missing the point of this article.

I have a 320gb PS3 and its the best machine...if you have one, you don't need anything else from that list. I just need NAS though to connect my external HDDs. It recognizes my laptop as a Media server and plays videos like a charm. My laptop (Vaio) even connects to it as a bluetooth keyboard and touchpad which makes