
Congrats guys...keep it up. You're one of the best blogs!!!

It seems to be a nice product but I think Apple is going for an overkill with to use for consumers (I guess) but not so much for the corporations.

Cool...ALL the iPhones up to 4 jailbroken?

Hope MS doesn't kill this one.

Wow...that is one idea!!!

And I tipped gizmodo about this yesterday when maps app was actually updated...but I guess they dont like to post tips by commenters?

I have a few of these...meh!!!

Voted for ya buddy...hope you win. :)

@Standish: Yea...hope we have plain Android implementation in all the devices. One of the reasons I love the Nexus One.

Yep...they called it the Vaios of Android.

It isn't DEAD. Gizmodo...please change the title it's misleading.

@Tyler William Rios: That is correct...just pay $25 to sign up as a dev and you can get it from Google.

@Kraizk: Get it from eBay (brand new ones there) but before that I would recommend checking with HTC if they will provide warranty and support for it.

@VeLAWLceraptor: You can still buy it...Many sellers have it brand new on eBay.

@Tobias_Aplin: I agree that Incredible is an awesome phone but being 'locked-down' by both Verizon and HTC is what concerns some of us. With the Nexus One, you wouldn't have to bother about being locked by the carrier or the manufacturer for updates or what you can do with your phone. Nexus One was the first Android

@Crisss1205: Have you used froyo with flash? It works buttery smooth on the Nexus One. The best way to use it is to put the plugins on 'on demand' so you use flash only when you need it. Most of the videos and websites work just fine. I do not have any problems since the time I put it on demand only. No battery

Has anybody tried SP1 Beta? I am wondering what's new and/or improved from Windows 7. It is already an awesome OS.

@twophrasebark: Right, Time magazine would perhaps name him the most powerful man in the USA.

If the iPhone 4 has THE BEST reception of all the iPhones, then how does it drop more calls than 3GS?