
This is the correct line of thought.

I was 14 when we last wrote that. Feels like it’s time to reignite the discussion.

LOL - what a difference an extra space makes...

That the Chevy Nova didn’t sell in Mexico because the name means “no go” in Spanish. This myth comes up in business school textbooks as a cautionary tale about not doing enough research when moving into a new market. It’s a stretch to say that Spanish-speakers would read “nova” as “no va”, which is an awkward phrasing

“... leaving them alone for the afternoon then returning to find a perfect 1:1 recreation of Michelangelo’s David made entirely of lego sitting in their foyer...”

What, no mention of the Aztek on Breaking Bad? Shame on you.

I’m calling b.s. on the inclusion of American Auto. Of course the cars were bad, that was the whole point. Calling out AA would be like having a list called “The Worst Representations of the Horrors of the Middle Ages” and including Monty Python and The Holy Grail in the list.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude

Nothing will ever come close to the sheer awesomeness of this:

Personally, I’d vote for the lvo or the uck. 

Truly inspirational. 

That’s a resonable theory

Did some quick checks using Google Earth Pro and found an obvious rusting wreck on the beach in that area circa 2004. One of the best feature in GE Pro is the historical imagery, you can just adjust the slider and see all the archive aerial stuff they have.

Big Otter Jizz was my 80s alternative/swing music mash up act.