

Me too. There were a bunch of young children in my theater and I couldn’t decide if their parents brought them expecting a more action packed movie or if they were too lazy to find a babysitter. The really young kids were clearly getting bored with the movie. Watching a guy grow potatoes on Mars is my kind of movie

I’ve had my slew of mental illnesses, steadily from age 11. Crippling OCD, an eating disorder, depression and anxiety. I hit my lowest point four years ago, during my junior year of high school. I hit absolute rock bottom. I was lucky to have rebounded as well as I did (it helped that I have an amazing psychiatrist).

I highly recommend Jenny Lawson’s two books, “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” and “Furiously Happy.” She writes about her life and her struggles with mental illness and she is fucking hilarious. You can check out her blog at The Bloggess to see if she suits you.

I had the same sort of thing happen with me over the summer and it’s super cheesy but it’s some advice my dad gave me and it helped.

Super shit news: this week I found out I have cancer.

Hi all, I am really needing this Saturday Night Social.

Any opportunity to show off my rescue girl!

He looks SO HAPPY

Therapy dogs seem as awesome as multi-colored unicorns to me. :)

Because you should also get to see his handsome face....

People who hurt animals are scary as hell.

In honor of rescue dogs- this guy. In a shelter 7 months ago. Now revered as a minor diety. (He’s wearing my husband’s socks)

I just saw the Martian. I loved it! It was so good and the movie was just beautiful. I got to read the book.

I love that he will be a therapy dog specifically for burn victims. Someday if I am very very good I will get a Golden.

Current serial killer. If not people, then definitely animals. Most likely pets.

I’ve been waiting for SNS all week OMG OMG.

Hi all! I feel like I rarely get a chance to participate in SNS in real-time. What’s everyone eating for dinner tonight? I had “snack dinner” - a handful of olives, some Kerrygold cheddar cheese, a couple grapes, and a GIANT glass of wine.

Someone who attacks animals with acid = future serial killer

What are you Jezzies drinking this evening? I’ve got a bottle of Zubrovka. It’s a Polish vodka made with bison grass, it’s delicious, and I’m being a total lush. I’m feeling crummy- leg pain from the clot, right ass pain from the clot, and on and off coughing and sore throat stuff. And to top it off, Figaro bit me