Possibly. But Geordi’s wearing a repurposed a banana clip. So...
Possibly. But Geordi’s wearing a repurposed a banana clip. So...
It may seem silly to you, but it gives him the all-day confidence that he needs and deserves.
Oh I wouldn’t say that...
Can I suggest ‘ladyboat’ as a good nickname for maxi pads?
I’m calling the FBI right now.
I am a wonderful guest. ;)
Too bad he wasn’t the eco-friendly type, then he’d have tried it with a couple of Diva cups over his eyes.
So did he put the sticky side on his face or somehow tie it on with the absorbent side towards his face?
Not exactly bad, but you’ll understand if I never invite you over to my house.
But it seems like a pretty effective sweat band for this run I’m about to take! #outfitinspiration
Is it bad my first thought is I could plan a better robbery?
See, it went like this... before he decided to rob the place, he decided to watch Kim Davis give a press conference and you try going through with a robbery when you’re bleeding from the eyes.
You are a smart person. Sleep deprivation only gets harder as you age. I hope you sleep until at least noon on the weekends, though.
I grew up in the 1980s, which means that my childhood swing set was made of child-unsafe metal. The top bar of it was actually a long, hollow metal tube that, when yelled into, sounded very much like a megaphone.
My grandmother loved to tell this story...
The important part of this story is that I was four months pregnant. Soooo gagging in generally already.
I’m sharing my secret shame with you right now -
Um...how is 9 or 10 way too young to be exposed to reproductive stuff? I’m sure I’m not the only woman who got her first period at age 9 - good thing I knew what it was, and didn’t think I was dying, right? Children should know the proper names for body parts as young as they can pronounce them, and not be given a…
My gut reaction was “oh my god! I’d have been mortified if my mom did that.”
That scarf in the lede pic is the best thing I’ve seen all week, in a week of admittedly shitty shit. Thank you!