Video Beagle

Oh I watched it all, and liked it and was sad it was canceled as it was getting better and can even tell you it's biggest misteps (one, the awful name, two, trying to position itself as Pygmaleon/My Fair Lady when it really was a great updating of the Odd Couple formula).

Right…was there a sister in the scene on the show? I thought there was only the boy.

He was in that too? I just remember Kare Gillan's skirts…or lack there of.

There ARE such things as multiversal constants.

Jessie had powers before he changed the timeline.

If you like Hank/David….. go to youtube and search for Was it Something I Said? Episode 1 … it's a british panel show he's on using his real voice.

Well said.. they've also zapped a lot of Superman by having Lex already a finally imprisonned villain, and Lois and Clark together.

A Batgirl of Burnside would work real well with this show.

I don't know "A" vs something else, but I pretty much watched with a grin the whole time.

Nah…guy in the pod gets us to the Legion of Super-Heroes, and there's never been a more CW friendly thing that!

I watched weekly…and yeah, it was hard to get thru. a firend recently binwatched in a weekend, and said it worked much better that way.

That's pretty much Superman for you… for the "last survivor of Krypton" there's an awful lot of them.

Solomon Grundy showedup in Arrow season 1, before they realized they could go all comic book on us.

No sister.

Cain was pretty much THE Clark that was published in the day, who didn't have the bumbling bit, but had been the big star in high school etc.

There's a lot of post-crisis Mssr-Loebs/early Waid Wally in there.

I'm pretty sure THEY'RE off limits, given the movies.

It was mentioned in Batman, but it comes out of the original Dark Knight story…….so a 2fer.

The question is…is Vasquez/Piper spying on SHIELD for the DEO, or DEO for SHIELD?

I really just want them to rename this show "The Supercousins" . I just watched with a grin on my face evey scene they were together.