Video Beagle

I don't see how any of them were ignorant. Jax certainly wasn't..he just did give a fig.

Well, they need to have a few more scenes for the youtube music videos.

I remembered during the Ray/Kendra "let's be partners" that Atom and Hawkman shared a series in the 60's…Very clever DCCW.

I remembered that Atom and Hawkman shared a series in the 60's…Very clever DCCW.

Oh, I'm all for Sara's Crosstime Lesbian Adventures, where she just travels around seducing the women of the DC Multiverse, I'm just saying they're making her "I'm here, Im queer"isn't in the character as established.

Well only one of them.

They make a point that they think Savage thinks she hasn't remembered herself yet, and he can't kill her until she does that.

I kinda feel the show plays Sarah's queerness a bit too much, given she was a party girl sleeping with her sisters boyfriend, then had 1 girlfriend, the relationship with was somewhat stockholmy, who she then left and picked back up with the aforementioned guy, before leaving to kind of return to the girlfriend, then

Sometimes it's time for "girl power" and "sisters doing it for
themselves", and sometimes it's time for having the shrinking the
armored hero hiding in your purse as you confront the immortal killer.

And for the record, I didn't say "had no dignity". I said it wouldn't hurt her image.

Yes, I can reduce the "emotional intensity" based on things like cultivated images, facts entered into evidence, sworn oaths, and so on.

"That she has very little to gain and a whole lot to lose by going this
public with it has been pretty clear to me from the beginning"

I would guess that name changes don't work any more…I'd imagine language has been added to the boilerplate to close that loophole.

Also true. Not saying they're equal, but that's the basic beneifit.

Well, it's the catch, isn't it. There's so much emotion involved in this, who's going to but their rep on the line to defend him? Look at how much gets piled on to anyone who just points it's all "alleged".

Because they would have given her a lot of money upfront.

Fair enough.

Oh true (especially with your example of the 1st Amendment)

Based on what's been presented, I'm less inclined to believe Kesha, actually. The sticking point for me is the Sony would let her work with other producers but she wants to be gone from Sony thing. (I don't accept the "they'd tank the album intentionally argument…that puts ego above money which doesn't sound like

I don't understand the point you're making.